Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reason #256,798 that I love my wife.

So, I was perusing the interwebs on my phone as I normally do when I came across the following article on Gizmodo: So You Wanted To Be A Computer Programmer

Its a very depressing and likely true tale of some poor sap's path in life. What is even more depressing is that it would have been my life. (Except cut out the dropping out of college and getting hired at a startup, skip right to "Your next job was developing healthcare software" and completely ignore the part about playing Halo being part of one's schedule or shipping any software, neither happen at my job) 

I guess my point is that meeting my beautiful wife Miranda is what saved me from all this. One day I'm going to quit my stupid job, move on to something that makes me much happier and possibly live a subsistence life inside of an RV on some state campgrounds, all thanks to her :-)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to my Wife and Baby

Today is Christmas and since my Wife and I have decided that we weren't going to take part in the commercialized holiday, I'm giving her a blog instead. Its something that she does for me that I find helps me a lot so I'm returning the favor. I'm putting a restriction on it though: I'm only allowed to say positive things. This way, any time she reads this, it can only make her smile.

Let me start by painting you a picture of my wife, Miranda. She is beautiful, inside and out. A heart that loves more than I thought a heart could. Her eyes, pretty brown portals to that same sweet core. As sexy of a woman as I could have ever asked for, from her long gorgeous legs to her soft hair. Lips that beg to be touched and kissed. A more perfect woman isn't to be found, at least not in my opinion.

Miranda and I are expecting a wonderful little boy anytime now. His name is Liam and although I've yet to hold him, he is and always will be our most precious gift. People will tell you how much stress and exhaustion comes from being a parent, but I am not at all afraid. I feel like Miranda and I have things covered. As long as we always work together and love each other and our child as much as we can, things will be just fine. I never  thought I would have that, and I'm so glad I do.

Hopefully this is the start of me being a lot more positive for my wife and baby. I'm going to try and post something in here nearly every day.

Miranda & Liam - I love you both so much, I look forward to spending my whole life with you.
